I fixed the name section of pts_quit. New file is attached.
Thanks to andrew deason for pointing that out.
Post by Jason EdgecombeHi guys,
These are the latest versions of the pts_interactive, pts_sleep, and
pts_quit man pages. they should probably go in man-pages/pod1. Please
disregard earlier versions. I've included a patch for man-pages/README
against CVS head.
I had added some commas in the "SEE ALSO" section to the newer versions.
Only one more and all pts commands will be documented!
=head1 NAME
pts sleep - Pauses for a few seconds
=for html
<div class="synopsis">
B<pts sleep> S<<< [B<-delay>] <I<# of seconds>> >>>
S<<< [B<-cell>] <I<cell name>> >>> [B<-noauth>] [B<-force>]
B<pts sl> S<<< [B<-delay>] <I<# of seconds>> >>>
S<<< [B<-cell>] <I<cell name>> >>> [B<-noauth>] [B<-force>]
=for html
The B<pts sleep> pauses for a specified number of seconds. The command
can be run from the command line or interactively. Running B<pts
sleep> on the command line isn't very useful. It's primarily for use
in interactive mode where you can use it to pause for a few seconds
between batch commands.
The B<pts_sleep> command is only available if OpenAFS was compiled
with the supergroups option, which is disabled by default.
Running bulk B<pts> commands may degrade the performance of the pts
server while they are run. In addition, server resource may not be
released immediately after commands are run. Because of this, the
L<pts sleep> command can be used in interactive mode to give the
B<ptserver> a change to catch up.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<-cell> <I<cell name>>
Specifies an alternate cell to talk to.
=item B<-delay> <I<# of seconds>>
Specifies the number of seconds to pause.
=item B<-force>
Continue the operation even if there are errors. This is useful for
bulk operations where you would like to continue even if one of the
many operations fails.
=item B<-noauth>
Perform the action as the unauthenticated user instead of using the
current users credentials.
=head1 OUTPUT
This command has no output.
%pts interactive
pts> sleep 5
pts> quit
=head1 SEE ALSO
This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. This
man page was written by Jason Edgecombe for OpenAFS.
=head1 NAME
pts sleep - Pauses for a few seconds
=for html
<div class="synopsis">
B<pts quit> S<<< [B<-cell>] <I<cell name>> >>> [B<-noauth>] [B<-force>]
B<pts q> S<<< [B<-cell>] <I<cell name>> >>> [B<-noauth>] [B<-force>]
=for html
The B<pts quit> exits from pts interactive mode. The command can be
run from the command line or interactively. Running B<pts quit> on the
command line isn't very useful.
The B<pts_quit> command is only available if OpenAFS was compiled
with the supergroups option, which is disabled by default.
=head1 OPTIONS
Even though they have no appreciable effect, B<pts quit> takes
=over 4
=item B<-cell> <I<cell name>>
Specifies an alternate cell to talk to.
=item B<-force>
Continue the operation even if there are errors. This is useful for
bulk operations where you would like to continue even if one of the
many operations fails.
=item B<-noauth>
Perform the action as the unauthenticated user instead of using the
current users credentials.
=head1 OUTPUT
This command has no output.
%pts interactive
pts> quit
=head1 SEE ALSO
This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. This
man page was written by Jason Edgecombe for OpenAFS.
=head1 NAME
pts interactive - Enters interactive mode
=for html
<div class="synopsis">
B<pts interactive> S<<< [B<-cell>] <I<cell name>> >>> [B<-noauth>]
B<pts in> S<<< [B<-cell>] <I<cell name>> >>> [B<-noauth>] [B<-force>]
=for html
The B<pts interactive> command allows the user to enter an interactive
mode which is useful for running bulk commands like creating new users
or groups.
The B<pts_interactive> command is only available if OpenAFS was
compiled with the supergroups option, which is disabled by default.
Running bulk B<pts> commands may degrade the performance of the pts
server while they are run. In addition, server resource may not be
released immediately after commands are run. Because of this, the
L<pts sleep> command can be used in interactive mode to give the
B<ptserver> a change to catch up.
=head1 OPTIONS
B<pts interactive> only takes the standard B<pts> options.
=over 4
=item B<-cell> <I<cell name>>
Specifies an alternate cell to talk to.
=item B<-noauth>
Perform the action as the unauthenticated user instead of using the
current users credentials.
=item B<-force>
Continue the operation even if there are errors. This is useful for
bulk operations where you would like to continue even if one of the
many operations fails.
=head1 OUTPUT
The output is the same as if each individual command were run from the
command line.
%pts interactive
pts> examine admin
Name: admin, id: 1, owner: system:administrators, creator: anonymous,
membership: 2, flags: S----, group quota: 20.
pts> help
adduser add a user to a group
apropos search by help text
chown change ownership of a group
creategroup create a new group
createuser create a new user
delete delete a user or group from database
examine examine an entry
help get help on commands
interactive enter interactive mode
listentries list users/groups in the protection database
listmax list max id
listowned list groups owned by an entry or zero id gets orphaned groups
membership list membership of a user or group
quit exit program
removeuser remove a user from a group
rename rename user or group
setfields set fields for an entry
setmax set max id
sleep pause for a bit
source read commands from file
pts> quit
The same privilege is required to run the command in interactive mode
as is required to run the command by itself on the command line. Some
commands such as B<pts createuser> require AFS administrator
privileges, while others do not.
=head1 SEE ALSO
This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. This
man page was written by Jason Edgecombe for OpenAFS.
? doc/man-pages/readpod
? doc/man-pages/pod1/pts_interactive.pod
? doc/man-pages/pod1/pts_quit.pod
? doc/man-pages/pod1/pts_sleep.pod
Index: doc/man-pages/README
RCS file: /cvs/openafs/doc/man-pages/README,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.14 README
--- doc/man-pages/README 5 Aug 2007 21:58:35 -0000 1.14
+++ doc/man-pages/README 10 Aug 2007 01:48:32 -0000
@@ -201,9 +201,6 @@
fs rxstatproc
fs setcbaddr
- pts interactive
- pts quit
- pts sleep
pts source
Index: doc/man-pages/pod1/pts.pod
RCS file: /cvs/openafs/doc/man-pages/pod1/pts.pod,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 pts.pod
--- doc/man-pages/pod1/pts.pod 9 Dec 2005 13:26:31 -0000 1.2
+++ doc/man-pages/pod1/pts.pod 10 Aug 2007 01:48:32 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,15 @@
=item *
+Commands to run commands interactively: B<pts interactive>, B<pts
+sleep>, and B<pts quit>
+=item *
+A command to read bulk commands form a file: B<pts source>
+=item *
Commands to obtain help: B<pts apropos> and B<pts help>.
@@ -136,14 +145,17 @@