Then you'll have to go to the html directory, they're set up that way there
and do link from file to file. (There are several hundred small files).
In the pdf directory the files are included.
The untarred html's are about 4mb, tarred 800K.
If indexing is needed that will have to be added by hand \index{foo} or if
\shortindexingon is used _{foo}.
The current index is 3 levels deep which latex supports but there's no way
to replicate that level of detail unless done by hand. Normally a
professional indexer does that.
As I've said, the IBM documentation is very well done.
-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-doc-*** [mailto:openafs-doc-***]
On Behalf Of Esther Filderman
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:06 AM
To: openafs-***
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS-Doc] Final (from Latex) pdf's and html's available
First of all, please keep all documentation discussions on the mailing list.
Do not mail me privately.
The HTML files are big huge masses. These need to be broken down further.
HTML is the most common way people will read the documentation [after man
pages, but that's another ball of wax].
People will do as they do now, take quick looks on the online HTML
We also need to be able to generate indexes for each documentation
collection [ie admin guide, windows guide, etc].
Turns out that the html is now generated from the same .tex files as pdf
Run tth au*003.tex instead of pdflatex au003.tex; No changes to the .tex
files are required.
The reason for doing the html first was to verify the correctness of the
conversion using diff on the source and final files.
tth is copyrighted and licensed for free use by non profits so I deleted
from the current.
-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-doc-***
On Behalf Of Esther Filderman
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 7:56 PM
To: openafs-***
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS-Doc] Final (from Latex) pdf's and html's available
Ok, look. There are certain requirements here:
1) We should be using one system.
2) It should be simple enough for a non-programmer to use. [Like, say,
ME.] It should not require "special instructions" to update files.
3) It *MUST* generate, at the minimum, both some sort of "printable
format" and html. HTML is a *must* for the website.
I would rather try to preserve the conversion that Ted has done but I am
convinced that LaTex is the right format to be using for everything,
because generating solid HTML seems to be such a problem.
There are tools to convert LaTex to DocBook [amusingly, there are tools
convert POD *to* LaTex but not the other way, that I can find]. Perhaps
that's the way we should go.
I'm still researching DocBook & POD. I've also still got pneumonia and
not up to speed on life.
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