[OpenAFS-Doc] fstrace task
Jeff Blaine
2011-05-19 04:11:26 UTC
* Update fstrace source to include option descriptions (for content,
use existing manpage information "condensed" to half line of text)

This is done, no?

[***@dev openafs]$ /usr/local/sbin/fstrace help
/usr/local/sbin/fstrace: Commands are:
apropos search by help text
clear clear logs by logname or by event set
dump dump AFS trace logs
help get help on commands
lslog list available logs
lsset list available event sets
setlog set the size of a log
setset set state of event sets
Russ Allbery
2011-05-19 04:29:08 UTC
Post by Jeff Blaine
* Update fstrace source to include option descriptions (for content,
use existing manpage information "condensed" to half line of text)
This is done, no?
apropos search by help text
clear clear logs by logname or by event set
dump dump AFS trace logs
help get help on commands
lslog list available logs
lsset list available event sets
setlog set the size of a log
setset set state of event sets
No, it's the next level:

windlord:~> fstrace help dump
fstrace dump: dump AFS trace logs
Usage: fstrace dump [-set <set_name>+] [-follow <log_name>] [-file <output_filename>] [-sleep <seconds_between_reads>] [-help]

Compare to:

windlord:~> fs help setacl
fs setacl: set access control list
aliases: sa
Usage: fs setacl -dir <directory>+ -acl <access list entries>+ [-clear] [-negative] [-id] [-if] [-help]
Where: -clear clear access list
-negative apply to negative rights
-id initial directory acl (DFS only)
-if initial file acl (DFS only)

That option description isn't present.
Russ Allbery (***@stanford.edu) <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
Andrew Deason
2011-05-26 18:02:01 UTC
On Wed, 18 May 2011 21:29:08 -0700
Post by Russ Allbery
windlord:~> fstrace help dump
fstrace dump: dump AFS trace logs
Usage: fstrace dump [-set <set_name>+] [-follow <log_name>] [-file <output_filename>] [-sleep <seconds_between_reads>] [-help]
Well, this particular example doesn't really demonstrate the lack of
documentation... the "Where:" section only exists if there are flags,
and there are no flag options for "fstrace dump". But there are some
flags that are missing help strings, like in 'fstrace lslog'.
Andrew Deason