[OpenAFS-Doc] pts_membership man page
Jason Edgecombe
2009-01-18 16:58:14 UTC
I just submitted bug #124151to RT to add the system:ptsviewers verbage
to the man page.

I read the whole pts_membership man page, and the PRIVILIGES section
reads like bad stereo instructions. It's not very clear. I think that
part could be much clearer, but I don't understand the privacy flags
enough to rewrite it. I think a table would better communicate the info.

Any comments?

Russ Allbery
2009-01-19 03:10:46 UTC
I just submitted bug #124151to RT to add the system:ptsviewers verbage to
the man page.
Thanks for letting me know. Committed.
I read the whole pts_membership man page, and the PRIVILIGES section
reads like bad stereo instructions. It's not very clear. I think that
part could be much clearer, but I don't understand the privacy flags
enough to rewrite it. I think a table would better communicate the info.
I took a shot at rewriting it, trying to make it shorter and more direct.
Take a look at current CVS and see what you think. Most of the bullet
points were just repeating the same thing.
Russ Allbery (***@stanford.edu) <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
Jason Edgecombe
2009-01-19 16:12:15 UTC
Post by Russ Allbery
I just submitted bug #124151to RT to add the system:ptsviewers verbage to
the man page.
Thanks for letting me know. Committed.
I read the whole pts_membership man page, and the PRIVILIGES section
reads like bad stereo instructions. It's not very clear. I think that
part could be much clearer, but I don't understand the privacy flags
enough to rewrite it. I think a table would better communicate the info.
I took a shot at rewriting it, trying to make it shorter and more direct.
Take a look at current CVS and see what you think. Most of the bullet
points were just repeating the same thing.
Looks much better and clearer. I submitted RT #124157 with some minor

Russ Allbery
2009-01-19 23:02:48 UTC
Post by Jason Edgecombe
Looks much better and clearer. I submitted RT #124157 with some minor
If it is lowercase C<m> and the B<-nameorid> argument specifies a group,
-members of that group can also list the other members. A privacy flag of
-C<m> only changes the permissions when set for a group. Setting this flag
-for a user or a machine has no effect.
+then members of that group can also list the other members. A privacy
+flag of C<m> only changes the permissions when set for a group. Setting
+this flag for a user or a machine has no effect.

This sounds more natural to me without the "then". Dialect difference
between us, maybe?

Thanks, I committed this as-is.
Russ Allbery (***@stanford.edu) <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>